200 Words A Day archive.

Yes sleep is that important

Any time I read a post in which someone references not getting enough sleep I pounce on it. I admit I was guilty of the same thing. What’s the harm? Only an hour or two short. Make it up on the weekend, right? 

The science is clear. We have an abundance of human and animal studies that demonstrate the deleterious (word of the day) effects of not getting good quality sleep every night. 

I read Matthew Walker’s book Why We Sleep, which is full of so much great information. But, maybe you don’t have time to read that book cover to cover. Instead I offer you the latest episodes of Dr. Peter Attia’s podcast The Drive. Dr. Attia conducted an extensive interview with Matthew Walker, and he is releasing it in three parts. 

Here is Part 1

Here is Part 2

Part 3 will be released on Monday, 4/15.

This should be required listening for anyone who needs to sleep (Yep, that’s YOU.) If you already listen to podcasts, this is a no-brainer. If you have never listened to a podcast, now is a good time to dive in. 

After listening to these episodes, you will most certainly have a newfound appreciation for sleep. Hopefully that knowledge will lead to action. Everyone can do a better job of prioritizing sleep. Yes, it’s that important.

My Oura ring displayed a sleep score of 95 (out of 100) last night. I had 8 hours 33 minutes of sleep time, 2 hours 22 minutes of REM sleep, and 1 hour 50 minutes of deep sleep. I felt great all day today. What are all the tips and tricks I’m using? You’ll have to wait for the ebooks. Don’t worry, they will be free.