200 Words A Day archive.

Writing a Book Series Part 20 Writing Your Book

Part 1 - Fear Solving

Part 2 - Positioning

Part 3 - Objectives

Part 4 - Audience

Part 5 - Idea

Part 6 - Cocktail party pitch and North Star check

Part 7 - My book description

Part 8 - Title

Part 9 - Outline Chapters

Part 10 - Table of Contents

Part 11 - Outline Chapter Structure

Part 12 - Outline the Introduction

Part 13 - Chapters 1 and 2 Outlines

Part 14 - Chapters 3 and 4 Outlines

Part 15 - Chapters 5 and 6 Outlines

Part 16 - Chapters 7 and 8 Outlines

Part 17 - Chapters 9 and 10 Outlines

Part 18 - Chapters 11 and 12 Outlines

Part 19 - The Writing and Editing Plan

Prepare to ignore any writing advice you’ve heard previously. Most writing advice is about impressing other writers not about helping the reader. Most books about writing even if they are good books do not have good advice, especially for first-time writers.

Here is the advice based on the Scribe method for what actually works to complete and publish a book.

Give yourself permission to write a mediocre first draft. Your first draft is called a “vomit draft.” No one cares about looking beautiful when they vomit. They just want it out. The only way to get it out is to keep going and force it out through the pain. No one is going to see the vomit draft. For this draft, done is better than good. Do not stop or edit as you write.

Live by this rule:

I will not read or edit my first draft until it’s done. 

You will be writing things that might be cringeworthy. You have to resist the urge to edit. Just say to yourself, “That’s future you’s problem.”

Writing Principles

  1. Make it short.
  2. Make it simple.
  3. Make it direct.
  4. Make it about the reader.

When you are forced to be simple, you must face the real problem. When you can’t deliver ornament, you have to deliver substance.

Should you write sequentially? You can if you want or you can jump around. There is no right way except the way that leads you to finish.

How do I find my voice?

Check behind the sofa. What? The joke is that you cannot find your voice. It is who you are. It is in you.

Tips to bring out your voice: 

  • Imagine a conversation with a friend where you teach him/her what you know. 
  • Help someone heal the pain that you solved.

Don’t worry about being a “writer.” Just help people, and your voice will take care of itself.

How long should your book be?

Your book should be as short as possible without leaving anything out. Good writing uses the minimum words for maximum expression. 

Common goal:

100-199 pages, which is approximately 20K-40K words

Under 100 pages creates a perception of lower value of the book, which could lead to decreased sales. Once a book reaches 200, it now has a perception that it’s a substantial book. Your reader is not worried as much about the money investment but the time investment to read the book.