200 Words A Day archive.


I wish I could say I brought my best self to write today, but that is not the case. One sign of a workaholic is that by the end of Thursday, you’ve already got 40 hours in, and Friday, Saturday, and Sunday you put in another 18 hours.

It’s not heavy labor. It’s not the front lines of our current pandemic crisis. It’s sitting in a chair working on a computer, but it has its own wear on the mind and body.

This is the reality for the foreseeable future as I have one full-time client and one part-time client. 

Yes, I’m grateful to have a job. A job in which I can work from home. As far as the second gig, it was self-inflicted in a certain sense. I didn’t go out of my way to get additional work, but I was requested by a former manager. When you are requested by name, you tend to answer the call. I also get to work with a colleague with whom I’ve worked on multiple projects and as the Brits say we “get on” well.

So, no revelations or insights today. I’m going to take what’s left of Sunday and relax. 

Tomorrow it’s right back to the grind.