200 Words A Day archive.


Work has been a bear this week. I just finished another day of sitting in the same chair for twelve hours less “bio breaks” (I detest that term.)

I am working for two different clients, and one of the software vendors is holding its annual conference this week. I was never invited to go in person, but this year since it’s virtual suddenly I’m invited to go. So, I’ve been watching sessions and taking detailed notes to provide the ROI for my company, which obtained the credentials for me to attend.

On top of all that, I am negotiating the dealings associated with a buy-out of my company. There were some sticking points related to the bonus structure at the new company and something called a non-compete. 

For those who are unfamiliar, a non-compete clause in a contract basically prevents you from leaving the company and immediately joining a competitor or even a customer of the company you left for a certain period of time, usually one year. These agreements are pretty standard, and even though it’s hard to enforce them in court (really hard to clamp down on someone’s ability to make a living in his/her chosen profession), it’s still not pleasant to see that language presented in an agreement. I received clarification from my boss that there will be no non-compete clause, which is a big deal and a positive sign that the company is confident in the future and its employees. 

I also received some good news about the bonus. I remain cautiously optimistic that everything will be good after the smoke clears, especially in 2021 and beyond.