200 Words A Day archive.

Why you are not creating content

The core problem with creating content is that even though it’s important, it’s not urgent. For most people, content creation is part of a long-term strategy toward goals. This makes it tough to prioritize content creation among all the other urgent tasks that pop up every day.

This is the topic of Jon Morrow’s latest podcast episode called Why You Don’t Have Time to Create Content. In this 16-minute episode, Jon lists what he thinks are the top excuses for why people are not creating content and his recommended solutions.

Top excuses for not creating content:

  1. “I don’t have time.” If you truly have no time to create content, it means you have overcommitted yourself. 
  2. “I don’t know what to do first.” You know the content you want to create and you know the end result you want to achieve. The problem is, you don’t know where to start. Is this confusion because you really don’t know what to do or that there are several paths and you are having trouble deciding which is the optimum path?
  3. “I keep getting distracted.” This may be a legitimate issue because distraction is all around us. 

If you are a content creator, it is worth your time to listen to this short episode and use these nuggets of wisdom.