200 Words A Day archive.

Where did February go?

It is the last day of the month, and I have already heard three different people say a variation of “Where did the month go? It feels like we just started February!”

I will tell you where February went. February went where you took it. And if you didn’t take it anywhere then you are probably still at where you were back on February 1st.

The end of the month is as good a time as any to assess your life. I’m not talking about comparing yourself to other people. Stay off social media for this assessment. I want you to compare yourself to the person you were 28 days ago. 

  • Are you healthier?

  • Are you happier?

  • Are you more fulfilled?

  • Are you the same?

  • Are you worse?

If you didn’t stop and assess yourself at the end of January then maybe you don’t even know what to compare yourself to. Let that be a lesson for you. The first step is to assess where you are today. Measure the things that can be measured and note them. Start small and pick one or two areas of your life to focus on. Health is always a good one because if your health is dogging it, that makes it so much more difficult to improve all the other areas of your life.

By the way, you don’t have to wait for an entire month to go by to do this exercise. You can do it weekly or even daily.

If you don’t have goals, it’s time to get some. If you aren’t working on establishing good habits, it’s time to start working.

The good news is that February is the shortest month of the year, so if there were a month to slack off this was the one. Tick tock you have ten more months left in 2019.

At the end of March, someone is going to ask you where March went. 

What will be your answer?