200 Words A Day archive.

What you are doing needs to matter to you

I generally don’t mention my habit of writing unless someone mentions the topic or asks me about it. 

When I tell people I’ve been writing over 500 days straight, there are usually some “oohs and ahhs” and “Wow, that’s great!” but that’s about it. Few people ask me how I do it, and even fewer ask me why I do it. 

I have the same experience when talking to people about my health journey. Maybe people don’t believe that reversing type 2 diabetes is possible and think I’m full of it. Maybe they just have too much going on and can’t focus and understand what is possible. Maybe they don’t want to hear the truth of what it takes to make major changes in their lives.

I have learned the lesson to stop paying attention to what other people think or to care about getting engagement. Is it nice to get feedback or comments? Sure! But that’s not why I do what I do. 

I’ve stopped obsessing about likes, clicks, listens, page views, etc. Maybe I will get to a point where that data matter in terms of business or future income. But right now, my attitude is, “nobody cares.” Everyone else has his or her own problems and goals and fears. 

Actually, one person cares. I do. My audience of one.

What you are doing needs to matter to you.