200 Words A Day archive.

We're still here

It is January 8th, and I bet many people have already given up on resolutions. It is rare to see people who commit to something and stay focused on it long term. 

I was going to title the post “I’m still here” but then I remembered it’s not about me. Of course, I’m still here. My reasons for writing and starting #Teamstreak are pretty clear.

Sometimes people will find out that I “do some writing,” and they ask me how it’s going. I tell them I’ve been writing daily for over a year. The responses? “Oh, cool.” Maybe “Wow, really?” Most people don’t get it. They can’t fathom the concept of doing something every day for a week or a month, nevermind a year.

What inspires me are the members of the One Year Club who are on this journey with me. They get it. They know how tough it is to show up every day. They know discipline. They don’t make excuses.

I’m not wearing a hat, but I should put one on (perhaps a pork pie hat a la Heisenberg) so that I can tip my hat to my fellow writers who are relentlessly focused.

I appreciate each one of you, and I am proud to show up every day alongside you. 







2,830 posts

946,520 words

We’re still here.