200 Words A Day archive.

We need to retire the word retirement

We have all heard some version of this advice about the path of life. Do well in school to get into a good college to graduate and get a good job and work hard and save money so that when you turn 65 you can enjoy “retirement.” 

I just had a meeting with my financial planner, and it is eye-opening to project your financial picture in the future. It’s all assumptions of course. Talk to the people who were about to retire in 2008 and lost half the funds in their retirement accounts about the best laid plans. I have another 24 years before I reach 65, and a lot can happen between now and then. Who knows the retirement age might be closer to 70, at least for collecting social security benefits, which may or may not be available based on current projections.

We need to retire the word “retirement.” This idea of waiting until you reach a certain age so you can stop working and finally do all the things you want to do is ridiculous. Maybe this quaint concept still exists with a few companies that have unions or offer pensions. But, there are no guarantees about the future. Yes, I will plan for the future and set aside money because overall that is a smart thing to do. But sit at a computer for 8 or 10 or 12 hours a day 5 days a week trading hours for dollars until something called “retirement?” No thank you.