200 Words A Day archive.

Unemployed people dread weekends

I have a running joke with a buddy that unemployed people dread weekends while people who have regular jobs can’t wait for weekends. My theory is that during the week, unemployed people have the upper hand. They don’t have the shackles of a job dictating the structure of each day. They can wake up and go to bed whenever they want. They can run errands during the day when most people are occupied.

Once the weekend arrives, however, now unemployed people are on a level playing field with everyone else. The perceived advantage is gone at least for these two days. 

This sets up another opposing view on Sunday night when the regularly employed masses are dreading Monday while the unemployed are looking forward to having the advantage once more.

I am between clients but not technically unemployed. What I have experienced in the last few days is a loss of a sense of time and day of the week. Each day tends to feel the same, including a weekend day like Saturday. Maybe this was by design since I have added more structure to my day including a morning ritual and daily routines. It’s nice taking a break from the week vs. weekend mindset and just focusing on making the most of each day.