200 Words A Day archive.

UI design choices

I was working in the system today and saw an interesting pop-up box. I chose an item to edit and view, and then I wanted to get out of the item without changing anything. When I clicked the X in the corner of the window to exit, a pop-up box showed up with a message asking me if I’d like to cancel my action. There were two choices: CANCEL and YES. 

Ok, so the question is do I want to cancel. The straightforward answer is Yes, I want to cancel. But there is also a CANCEL button. I had to stop and think about it. I eventually tried both options to see what happens. The YES button closed out of the window and was the end result I wanted. The CANCEL button stopped me from closing out of the item I was viewing. I wonder what would have happened if I edited the change but then I did not want to save the change. Maybe I would get different options, otherwise, I would be stuck in an endless loop.

You can tell when designers/programmers have not considered the end-users when making design choices. Unfortunately, we just have to live with the functionality because the machinery involved in getting the vendor to make a change at this level is preposterous.