200 Words A Day archive.

Transforming the body and mind

I found out a former co-worker of mine is having gastric bypass surgery. I was shocked to find this out because at the time I worked with her, I would not have expected that she qualified for such drastic measures. Perhaps her status has changed in the last year. 

One of the big challenges of major surgeries like this is that the mind has to catch up to the body. The physical change is immediate. The mental change takes time. In fact, I know one person who had the lap band surgery, lost a lot of weight, and then a year later she ate through the band and ended up gaining the weight back. 

I think the opposite problem exists as well. I feel like mentally I have progressed much farther in the last year than I have physically. I look in the mirror and I still see the same guy. Yes, I can look at pictures and clearly see a difference. But I still have this sense that my mind and body are not transforming at the same pace. Is one going to help pull the other along or will the lagging one act as an anchor?

What happens when you are working on transforming your mind and body, but the changes are not in sync? What if one changes faster than the other?