200 Words A Day archive.

Time change

Back to the old grind today, and I’m already finding the time change to be jarring. It’s not because Arizona changed time because we don’t. It’s because my client in California changed time, and I keep the desktop set to Pacific Standard Time. I like to start work early and end relatively early, but that’s more difficult now.

I told someone yesterday that at least the people who 60 days ago began adjusting their clocks backward by one minute each day would be fully adjusted to the new time.

I suppose I have two choices. I can keep my same schedule and do more of my own work in the morning instead of the afternoon/evening or I can adjust my schedule and go to bed later and get up later. I do like the idea of having “my own time” in the morning when I’m fresh and full of energy. I think I will keep the same schedule and see how it goes. This will make for a long day because I’ll be online for work at least until 5 PM maybe even as late as 6 PM. It’s even worse for people on the East Coast. Such is the life of a consultant.