200 Words A Day archive.

Think like a beginner

One of the concepts presented early in the Precision Nutrition course I’m taking is having a “beginner’s mind.” 

Having a beginner’s mind means that no matter what you already know, or how much experience you have, you “show up” with an open mind, pretending that you don’t know anything.

I guess it’s easier when you actually don’t know anything. I only have a small amount of knowledge about nutrition gleaned mainly from the last few months learning by doing on a ketogenic diet. It will be pretty easy to have a beginner’s mind for the nutrition portion. 

I do know a lot about training, education, and how to learn. This is where I can really put the beginner’s mind concept to the test.

I want to apply this approach in the following way:

  • stay receptive and open, treating each idea as fresh
  • review familiar ideas as if it were the first time you’d seen them
  • let myself struggle and make mistakes as I experiment and learn
  • notice where my brain is taking shortcuts, skimming, and/or dismissing ideas with “I already know all of this.”

Easier said than done. 

Time to begin as the beginner.