200 Words A Day archive.

The vaping crisis

The latest news item that I’m supposed to be concerned about is the harmful effects of vaping. There is some “mysterious” lung disease afflicting these vapers and there have been five confirmed deaths this year. 

Let’s start with my level of concern: zero. Just like people choose to smoke, people choose to vape. Is there anyone who actually believes vaping is not harmful to you? 

Now if there are defects in the products causing them to explode in your mouth or some unexpected harmful chemical (not including the harmful chemicals you expect to be in there) then the manufacturers should be held responsible.

Beyond that, it’s on you. When you make bad choices, you will suffer the consequences. 

“But I can’t quit! I’m addicted!” I remember seeing a documentary about smoking in which one person could not speak and had hole in his throat for a breathing tube due to losing part of his mouth and throat to cancer. He had figured out how to put a cigarette in that hole and continue to smoke!

Yes you can quit. You can make better choices. It is not easy. But you got yourself into this mess and only you can get yourself out of it. Stop being a victim.

Stop with the vaping kiddies. Have we not learned the lessons from smoking?