200 Words A Day archive.

The results of the Viome experiment

In a previous post I wrote about how to determine the diet that works best for you. One of the tools I am using is from a company called Viome. I submitted a stool sample, which the company uses to perform an analysis of the microbiome. 

There are three categories that are assessed for microbiome health:

1. Metabolic fitness - Microbiome linked to glucose and weight control

2. Inflammatory activity - Microbial activities linked to inflammation

3. Microbial richness - The total number of active species in the gut

I ranked average for all three categories. I am dubious of the metabolic fitness assessment because I am a type 2 diabetic and would have expected a different result. 

I also received a list of all the microbes that were identified. I am not sure what I can do with this list but at least I have it.

The most actionable information is the list of foods. There is a list of foods to avoid, foods to minimize, and superfoods to emphasize in the diet. I was not shocked by any of the items in any category. Perhaps because I have been monitoring what I eat and how food affects me, maybe I am more informed than the average person.

It is hard for me to give a recommendation for this product based on my results. Perhaps the results would be more helpful for people who are less informed about their bodies or have major gut health issues.  

I have more experimentation with diet coming up soon and will share my experience.