200 Words A Day archive.

The nose knows

My nose has revolted. The last time this happened was December when I was in North Carolina. The change in weather and especially the markedly colder temperatures triggered it. It happened again the last couple days after a return trip from California to Arizona.

The malady most closely resembles a cold. I wouldn’t be surprised if it is a cold with all the people sick everywhere. It usually starts with sneezing fits of multiple sneezes in a row. Then comes the flood. My nose has alternated between running like crazy and being completely stuffed up. Occasionally there is the third option of stuffed up with an added bonus of drip, a double indignity. 

Thankfully, I am not susceptible to most illnesses. The one that does get me is sinus infections. I’m hoping my nose shenanigans do not develop into full-blown sinusitis. 

I was rundown yesterday and decided to take a rest day to recuperate. I even took a nap, which I haven’t done in a while. Despite the nap and the reduced ability to breathe, I was able to score a solid night of sleep. 

Today, my client’s office is closed for President’s Day. I have the option to bill hours, but I choose to do my own work. That means coursework, writing, and creating more content. The nose better get with the program because it’s not going to stop me today.