200 Words A Day archive.

The last supper

Today marks the last day of “business as usual” regarding my diet. My metabolism is broken, and the incremental approach is not working. I want to get massive results so I need to make massive changes. 

Tonight I am meeting friends to commemorate the event with one last meal of pizza. Sadly, traditional pizza is one of the foods I’m going to give up. Anyone who has read my Ode to Pizza knows how tough this will be for me.

Tomorrow I will begin what I am calling “Project Food as Fuel.” I need to change my relationship with food and my perception of meal times as celebratory indulgences. It’s time to read nutrition labels, measure macronutrients (not count calories), and make eating a deliberate rather than automatic activity.

This change is not going to be easy. The good news is that I have already mentally committed to it, which is perhaps the hardest part. This isn’t a fad or some short term solution to lose a few pounds. This is the start of what will be a lifelong transformation toward better eating and better health. 

So, I’m putting money and action towards the words I’ve been saying about wanting to improve my health. Time to get it done.