200 Words A Day archive.

The internet is silly

Nine years ago, I posted a 20-second video on YouTube of me messing with my cat Bada Bing. I was doing a heavy breathing sound, and she would whip her head around. It’s not a very good video by any stretch, and it was really just for my own amusement and maybe a few chuckles for friends of mine. I have not done anything with this video in years. It’s on my YouTube “channel,” which only has a few other videos on it. 

Nine years later, I receive daily emails from YouTube indicating that someone commented on this video or subscribed to my channel. Somehow, this video has amassed 416K views, 20K likes, and 929 comments with me doing absolutely nothing. 

Bada Bing unexpectedly died three years ago due to an aggressive mouth tumor. It used to bother me having all these reminders after she’s gone, but now I’m more amused at the whole silliness of the internet. 

I spend all this time trying to write posts and craft newsletters that will somehow inform and help other people and crickets. I know I’m just starting out. I am hoping that in nine years, my content will be as popular as this one cat video floating around on the silly internet.