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The Golden Age of Podcasts

As I pointed out recently, I don’t think we are living in the Golden Age of Television. We are, however, living in the Golden Age of Podcasts. If you aren’t listening to podcasts, you’re doing it wrong. 

I wish I could remember the first podcast I listened to. If I had to guess, I’d say it was either The Tim Ferriss Show or The James Altucher Show

I prefer podcasts to audiobooks. With podcasts, you can take one episode at a time and focus. Then you can switch to a different episode and a new topic. With audiobooks, I find it difficult to slog through an entire non-fiction book. And who has time for fiction??

It’s the Golden Age of Podcasts because the content is exploding and virtually all podcasts are free. I love hearing, “You can get this podcast wherever you get your podcasts.” I use Overcast on the iPhone. I will pause for the collective gasp from the audience at my lack of using the stock Apple Podcasts app. I don’t mind the ads because you can skip them pretty easily. 

The gatekeepers and walled gardens do not exist for podcasts. I suppose there are some members-only podcasts charging fees, but the vast majority of podcasts can be accessed freely and easily. Enjoy it while it lasts! 

Of course, I know I can’t get away with talking about podcasts without divulging which ones I listen to on a regular basis. Here they are in no particular order.

The Joe Rogan Experience - I don’t listen to every episode, especially when he talks MMA, but Joe Rogan has such varied guests that at least a couple times per week I see guests I’m interested in.

The Tim Ferriss Show - If you don’t know who Tim Ferriss is, you really need to get to know him. 

The James Altucher Show - As I stated before, this is one I’ve been listening to for a long time. I credit James with being the first person who helped me on my path to getting out of The Matrix.

Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu - Tom has great guests and his topics align with my interests in health and personal development.

Bulletproof Radio - Bulletproof coffee has been a staple of mine for years, and the original biohacker Dave Asprey covers many cool topics about health and longevity.

The Argument - I don’t consume much news, but I do like to listen to this New York Times Opinion podcast with three hosts, one conservative, one liberal, and one centrist to hear differing viewpoints. 

Akimbo - Seth Godin is so influential, and his podcasts are always food for thought especially around content creation and marketing.

The Drive - Dr. Peter Attia is Jedi-level with his focus. His podcasts can sometimes be difficult to parse because he goes deep, but I am up for the challenge.

The Portal - Eric Weinstein is a brilliant mathematician. This quirky podcast appeals to my mathematical nature and is always a good exercise to get my brain thinking.

The Dennis Miller Option - Sometimes I just want to laugh, and I’ve always found Dennis Miller’s dry humor entertaining.

Break Through the Noise - This is a relatively new podcast by Jon Morrow, who is an absolute master of blogging and content marketing. Short episodes with KILLER content. 

On Purpose with Jay Shetty - I was surprised when I read a list of top influencers in the personal development space in Success Magazine, and Jay Shetty was far and away #1 with 30.6 million followers. Compare this to Tony Robbins who has 11.7M. By the way, Gary V. is #2 in the entrepreneurship and business area with 12.6M. Who is #1? Elon Musk with 28.8M. I just started listening to Jay, and I find the content to be quite good.

I have a few other podcasts in my library, but they are not in regular rotation. Are there any podcasts you listen to that you think I should try?