200 Words A Day archive.

The Deathbed Chronicles

I have made the mistake that people I know, friends, family, are actually in the audience for my content. I used to think that just because they know me, they will somehow be interested in the topics I write about or create podcasts for. This is definitely not the case.

I finally stopped trying to chase people to get them interested in what I’m doing. I post things on Facebook, which I know don’t reach everyone. I post things on Twitter even though I don’t have much of a following there. I have my newsletter that people can sign up for. Outside of that, I’m not going to keep texting people with what I’m up to. 

The most common excuse people have is that they’re too busy. I don’t buy the “too busy” excuse. Busy is a decision. Maybe they’re just being nice, but I’m not going to try to figure it out anymore.

I told one person I’m going to start branding my content as the “Deathbed Chronicles.” Because everyone is so busy, that the only time they will find to read or listen to my content is on their deathbed. I figure if someone is on his or her deathbed, he or she probably needs a good laugh or two on the way out. As long as they still have vision or hearing, they’ll finally be able to get to all the content that they never made time for.