200 Words A Day archive.

The best headline

Perhaps this would have been a more effective post in terms of viewership if I had crafted a better headline. I think writing headlines is a science and art all by itself, and it’s a skill that can be improved. I’ll readily admit that I’m not great at writing headlines. 

The best headline I ever wrote is for one of my Medium articles that has over 100K views. 

Here’s the headline: After 6 months of selling books on Amazon, this is how much I made I don’t like “clickbait” articles, which is what this one may sound like but it’s not clickbait because I deliver the goods.

The best headline I ever saw was courtesy of a tabloid of all sources. The time period was when the actor Daniel Radcliffe, who portrayed Harry Potter, had just turned 18. Apparently, journalists decided that since Daniel was an adult, no question was off-limits and they went straight to the topic of sex. I don’t remember the exact question, but the subject was Daniel’s preference when it comes to female grooming habits in the nether regions. The headline says it all:

“Harry Potter likes a hairy twatter”

Now THAT is a headline.