200 Words A Day archive.

The 33% Rule

There is a lot of advice circulating about how to choose the right people to keep around you. There is the saying that you are the average of the five people with whom you spend the most time. Some people say only surround yourself with people who know more than you do or people who are more successful than you. 

I favor advice that makes sense and is practical. You need a balance of allocating time to the right people. This decision should be not only on what you receive, gain, and benefit from people but also how you can serve and give back. 

I recently discovered The 33% Rule from Sashin Govender known as The Millionaire Student. 

  • Spend 33% of your time with people below you. These are people you can mentor and help and you will feel good about yourself.

  • Spend 33% with people on your level. These are mostly your friends and circle of influence.

  • Spend 33% with people 10 or 20 years ahead of you. They will make you feel uncomfortable but that’s how you will grow.

I like this rule because it provides a nice balance. If you are the big fish in the little pond, you are not challenged to grow and get better.

If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.

If you only hang out with people at your same level, you will never grow your circle of influence. If you only focus on interacting with people who are more successful than you, you miss out on the opportunities to mentor others and provide the same valuable knowledge to others that you seek yourself. 

Consider applying The 33% Rule to your relationships and interactions with people and see how it works for you.