200 Words A Day archive.

Technical issues at work

When you work remotely, you get used to the idea of things working the way they are supposed to. Internet is up, the network is fine, and remote access works as it should. Then the wheels fall off and you realize just how good you had it.

Starting around November 11th, my client’s county infrastructure department upgraded the remote access desktop from Windows 7 to Windows 10. Since then, there have been nothing but issues logging in remotely. Last week I was in the office and on my desktop most of the time, so it wasn’t as much of an issue. I did have issues logging into my laptop during meetings and trying to access the system from the hotel.

The issue is really a pain because it is intermittent. I can sit for 30 minutes and finally get logged in, then get kicked out, get right back in again, get kicked out, and be stuck for an hour. Calls to the “No Help” Desk are pushed straight to a message system. 

The issues don’t affect just me; we have a team of over a dozen consultants who are all working remotely this week due to the holiday. 

Tomorrow is a new day, but I won’t hold my breath that the issues will be fixed.