200 Words A Day archive.

Starting up and signing in

I have two clients and two work laptops. I would like to describe my process of signing in every morning.

Laptop [#1:](#1:)

  1. Log in to Windows.
  2. Endure the Teams application popping up front and center proclaiming that I should “Enjoy using Teams!”
  3. Go to client’s remote website.
  4. Log in using my username, password, and a six-digit code generated by the RSA token app on my phone.
  5. Access the Remote Desktop application in Citrix.
  6. Type my password again to remotely log in to the company laptop in the office.
  7. Click OK or ACCEPT on pop-up boxes without reading what I’m agreeing to.
  8. Endure the Teams application popping up front and center (on my client’s laptop) proclaiming that I should “Enjoy using Teams!”
  9. Work.

Laptop [#2:](#2:

  1. Log in to Cisco Secure Mobility client with password.
  2. Key six-digit code generated by Symantec key fob device.
  3. Click OK or ACCEPT on pop-up boxes without reading what I’m agreeing to.
  4. Log in to Windows 
  5. Endure the Teams application popping up front and center proclaiming that I should “Enjoy using Teams!”
  6. Change the system time zone to PST because it keeps reverting back to AZ time. I keep work laptops on the client’s time zone, and that is PST for both of my clients.
  7. Work.

I should point out that I work in the health insurance industry, and all the security protocols center around the fact that I have access to protected health information (PHI) that is governed by federal HIPAA laws.