200 Words A Day archive.

Set standards not goals

When I was 21 years old I went to the doctor to get a TB test. I was negative for TB but positive for high blood pressure. He immediately put me on a prescription. I never really got an explanation for why I had high blood pressure or what to do about it. This condition does not run in my family. 

So even though I felt fine, I took the pill because that is what I was supposed to do. And my blood pressure returned to normal. And I did not have any side effects (that I know of). And it was pretty cheap (a few dollars a month). And so it went for years and years and years. I accepted my fate that I will need to keep taking this prescription for the rest of my life.

In September of 2018, I went for a routine physical with lab work. This time I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Here comes the prescription meds for diabetes and one for high cholesterol to boot. I took the diabetes med because that is what I was supposed to do. I did NOT take the statin for high cholesterol. This time I got educated. I learned about my conditions. 

My conclusion was that my conditions were completely within my control. Type 2 diabetes is largely due to a poor diet (and might as well throw in no exercise). I decided that I would start with radically changing what I eat. This is what I call Project Food as Fuel. 

I also decided that I must get off all prescription medication. Not should but must.

I have set goals in the past for things I thought I should do or things I want to do. I did not achieve many of those goals. Why? Because I did not establish standards.

When your “should” becomes a “must” you create a standard.

What’s different about 41-yr old Brandon vs. 21-yr old Brandon? Many things I assure you, but pertinent to this topic the biggest change is belief.

I believe that I can reverse Type 2 diabetes because I have met people who have done it. Because I have the belief, I set a standard and took action. The result is that for the last 1.5 months I have been off all prescription medication. I check my blood pressure every day and it is within the normal range. My glucose measures have been improving. I’m well on my way to reversing Type 2 diabetes.