200 Words A Day archive.

Rearranging the top shelf

I noticed @andrewtsao was writing about the anticipation of putting together and stocking a bookshelf. 

I have a bookshelf in my bedroom that has five shelves. The bottom shelf is reserved for large or heavy books or magazines. The middle shelves are reserved for books I’ve already read or books that I have classified as “I’ll get around to them eventually. The top shelf is at eye-level, so that automatically makes it the most important shelf. I use the top shelf for books on topics that I consider valuable right now. I suppose the most valuable books are the ones on my nightstand or my desk, but we’re talking about bookshelves right now.

Periodically, I like to rearrange the top shelf. I like to review each book and determine whether it still belongs on the top shelf. This exercise allows me to take inventory of the topics that were important to me and determine if they are still important to me. If a book no longer makes the cut for the top shelf, it gets moved to a lower shelf. If I have books that I’m not reading every day but are still important, I will put them on the top shelf. I also always leave room on the top shelf. I never want the top shelf to be completely full. There should always be room for more books on the top shelf.

What books are on your top shelf?