200 Words A Day archive.

Re: Streak Slavery

I will assume positive intent that this was not a shot at #Teamstreak. Even if it is, that’s okay too. The term “streak slavery” is rather provocative and you got my attention.

My philosophy about maintaining a streak on 200WAD is rather simple. I have done some writing in the past, but I was not consistent. I decided that it’s time for me to get serious and focus on improving the quality and quantity of my writing. Thankfully, my “awakening” coincided with the creation of 200WAD to help make this happen. For me, it’s about consistency and having the discipline to show up every day. I have a lifestyle that makes this possible (but not always easy). This is where the streak comes in.

The streak is a visual representation of the work I’ve already put in. It’s not simply that I wrote 137 posts. Every day for 137 days regardless of what was happening in my life, I made it a point to post something here because that is the commitment I made to myself. 

If someone cares about establishing a daily writing habit, I want to support him or her. I welcome all people to #Teamstreak if they post for 30 days in a row regardless of their goals or motivation. We have carved out a sliver in the community to support each other and push each other to keep going.

I understand this commitment is not for most people. In fact, we are in a tiny minority. The members of #Teamstreak are <1% of the total people who have signed up on 200WAD. 

One person’s “streak slavery” is another person’s unrelenting discipline. Slavery implies a loss of control or drudgery. I am very much in control and have been having the most fun writing in these few months. 

The bottom line is results. There are certainly people who don’t maintain a streak who nevertheless are achieving the goals they want to achieve. Fantastic! I wish success for everyone. There is plenty to go around.

I’m here every day because I want to be. There are several others who share this view, and I’m glad they have joined my team.

We are #Teamstreak!!