200 Words A Day archive.

Random thoughts

It is nice to be off work. Although, I was working on the second gig for a couple of hours today in preparation for the first meeting with the larger workgroup. 

Do bald people also have a need for people to get out of their hair?

Telling someone, “I hope you live to be 100 years old!” is a nice thought unless that someone is 99 years old.

I wish I had a log of all the key presses on my keyboard so that I could identify which key I press the most and start treating it differently.

The other day someone mentioned that she wasn’t going to bend over backward to help someone out. I said, “As I’ve gotten older I’m having a hard enough time bending over forward much less bending over backward for someone.”

At some point, I want a meal with crepes Suzette, crab Louie, and steak Diane. 

What are the minimum elements needed to create a party atmosphere? Music? Food/beverages? Multiple people?

Things that are burned or burning lend themselves to being measured in a percentage.

What would be a sight for rejuvenated, fresh eyes if it’s the opposite of a sight for sore eyes?

If they tell you a product with a value of $300 can be yours for $49, it has a value of $49 not $300.

And now for a random dog video that makes me chuckle.