200 Words A Day archive.

Project Strength two weeks in

I have successfully completed two weeks (six workouts) of Project Strength. Here are my thoughts.

When I asked my trainer to devise a workout program for me, I told her to imagine that I was in a coma for 20 years and I just learned how to walk. She laughed and thought I was joking. I really wanted to start at the very beginning because I knew what was in my future. 

The problem with working out is that you don’t feel the brunt of it during the exercise. Sure, your muscles get tired as you do the reps, but you feel fine during the workout and the night after the workout.

The morning after my first workout, I was feeling somewhat sore as expected. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, and I thought to myself, “Boy, I remember it being a lot worse than this. I guess I started out just right.”

Fast forward to the second morning after my workout when I nearly fell out of bed as I woke up in the morning. My legs were absolutely WRECKED. A simple maneuver of standing up or sitting down felt like someone was jabbing my thighs with needles. It was terrible! I told my trainer about it, and she said oh well make sure to keep moving and stretch. And by the way, based on the schedule I was supposed to do workout #2. I did not want to move at all. I powered through the second workout with mainly upper body and core exercises because my legs were having none of it. Thankfully, that was the worst of it. My second week went much better than my first week. 

I even got a new toy to make working out fun. It’s called the Stealth Core Trainer. It is a platform that is on a pivot that has a slot for your phone. You get down in the plank position with your arms on the platform and play games on your phone. It is far more interesting than just holding a plank, but it’s TOUGH. I can’t stay in full plank position for very long before I have to drop to my knees. 

Slow progress is progress nonetheless.