200 Words A Day archive.

Project Food as Fuel at one month

One month ago on April 27th, I started Project Food as Fuel. That is, I began dietary changes as directed by the Virta clinic. 

I have written previously about my specific health goals in this post

I radically changed my diet by shifting macronutrients in the following manner: high fat, moderate protein, and low carbohydrates. Very low carbohydrates as in 30 grams per day. On the second day of the dietary change, I achieved nutritional ketosis, which is defined as having a blood ketone level of 0.5 mmol/L. I have been in nutritional ketosis for 28 days straight without a miss. There are no cheat days. One bad meal, heck one bad food and it’s out of ketosis and climbing back up the mountain.

On April 26th I had my last meal of pizza. This is the longest I have ever gone without pizza. Anyone who has read my Ode to Pizza knows just how significant this fact is.

The cravings are becoming less and less, and I am more in tune with my body in terms of overall hunger. Sometimes it’s a bit rough waking up in the morning, but in general, I have more energy throughout the day than I used to. 

The weight loss was rapid in the beginning but it has slowed to a plateau. I have more to lose, but I know it will take time.

I’ve had to pass on many social events as they tend to be centered around food and drink. Eventually, I will feel more comfortable in these situations with less risk of caving into some craving as time passes. 

One month in the project is a success. One day at a time toward better health.