200 Words A Day archive.

Power Weekend Summary

A year ago I had just completed what I like calling a “Power Weekend.” A Power Weekend is when you devote an entire weekend to personal development. Back then, a Power Weekend would involve traveling somewhere and attending training in large arenas. Clearly, that’s out the window for the foreseeable future. I would expect future Power Weekends to be virtual. 

It’s a big commitment to devote an entire weekend to bettering yourself, but it’s worth it.

This post has a lot of food for thought, and I’m glad I am returning to it because it gives me some ideas for future posts. Let me expound upon one that grabbed me this morning.

Tell the story behind the story.

I take this to mean the “behind-the-scenes” stuff that is not part of the story. Think of the director’s commentary or deleted scenes for a movie. Or the “making of” documentaries that go into all the detail about how a story was created. 

Gary V. likes to say, “document, don’t create.” I think he might be hinting at telling the story behind the story. 

Often times we see the finished product. We see the successful person after he or she has reached that level of success. We generally don’t see the journey along the way. 

That is the story behind the story.


The #PowerWeekend is over. Now is the time to figure out how to keep the enthusiasm, energy, and focus from this weekend and carry it forward.

I have so many topics to write about, but I do not want to lose track of them. I am going to list various quotes and ideas from my notebook in this post so that I can refer to them in future posts when I expound upon the ideas that really resonated with me. I hope there is at least one idea in this post that resonates with you.

You cannot afford the luxury of a negative thought.

If you like me or not it’s your decision. If you respect me or not it’s my decision.

Nothing of greatness comes quickly or easily.

Everyone wants to be a beast until they find out what a beast has to do.

To be truly great you need a healthy disregard for reality.

Stay coachable and open-minded.

Nothing gets bigger than your vision (aim high!)

Clarity fuels velocity.

Tell the story behind the story.

Fear exposes your present capacity not your potential capacity. 

Do not compare your inside world with someone else’s outside world.

When your “should” becomes a “must” your goal becomes a standard.

You can’t achieve what you can’t perceive.

We grow the most when things are the most challenging.

Today is not happening to you. It is happening for you.

High productivity requires purpose, belief, and massive action.

There are two parts to a business: 1) Fix a problem, 2) Exploit an opportunity.

The same thing that brings a curse brings a blessing.

You have certain windows of time in which to do things. The problem is you think you have the time.

People want to be part of something greater than themselves.

Plans change. Decisions don’t. 

When the dream is big enough, the obstacles don’t matter.

When a child learns to walk, he/she falls an average of seventeen times per hour.

What matters when you die? 

We all die twice. Once when you stop breathing and again when people stop saying your name.

60% of people who think about going to a funeral decide based on the weather that day.

Figure out what makes you uncomfortable, and use that to get you motivated. 

When’s the last time you did something for the first time?

Sometimes people need a different messenger to get the message.

The last four letters of “enthusiasm” are IASM: I Am Sold Myself

What’s easy to do is easy not to do.

Every level has a new devil.

Stop paying attention to the things you don’t want to happen.

When the student is ready the teacher will appear.

Fear either sharpens all your senses or it paralyzes you.

You can’t microwave your success.

Thoughts determine what you want. Actions determine what you get.