200 Words A Day archive.

Power Saturday: Virtual Biohacking Conference

I haven’t had a Power Weekend in many months. Today I am having a Power Saturday in the form of the all-day virtual Biohacking Conference. This conference is organized by Dave Asprey, founder of Bulletproof, Inc. The conference was originally scheduled in March of 2020 in Beverly Hills, but it was postponed and eventually canceled due to the pandemic. Dave Asprey decided to move forward with a virtual conference, which I will be attending today.

In addition to Dave Asprey, the other conference speakers include the “Iceman” Wim Hof, Jay Shetty, Jay Abraham, Maria Shriver, Neil Strauss, Dr. Molly Maloof, and Dr. Mark Hyman. There are a variety of topics on the agenda including fasting, boosting immunity, mindset, relationships, food, Egoscue movement activities, and break-out sessions on specific topics.

This conference will be a goldmine, and of course, I’ll be sharing what I learn in my Be Wellthy newsletter.

So how does one prepare for such an event? I don’t just roll out of bed and sign on five minutes before the conference starts. After a great night of sleep (Oura sleep score 88), I was awake at 5:15 AM without an alarm. I handled the morning bathroom routine, and then I went out for a 30-min bike ride. I took some Athletic Greens and brewed up some Bulletproof coffee. I sat down to write this post, and then I will be setting my intention by shifting my mindset with meditation and putting myself into a state of being open to learning.

It’s time for a Power Saturday.