200 Words A Day archive.

Porch pirates

We live in a day and age when packages are delivered all day every day. This phenomenon has given rise to people who steal packages, usually taking them right from the porches where they were dropped off. These people are known as porch pirates. Thankfully I have not had any run-ins with these pirates. 

I had an idea for a skit or maybe a short story centering around the idea of a porch pirate. The premise is that someone has the Ring doorbell camera or an Arlo camera and watches a recording of what appears to be a porch pirate stealing a package. The reality is that someone played a prank and rigged the footage to play backwards to cover up his theft. It’s actually the delivery person dropping the package off, but because it’s playing in reverse it looks like someone is stealing the package. This wouldn’t be a UPS driver in a uniform but some contracted worker for Amazon. Presumably hilarity would ensue.

It’s probably not enough of an idea to do anything in its current form. I tend to get ideas for sketches. Think of the bad SNL skits they bury at the end of a show that have one funny idea stretched into a sketch lasting several minutes.