200 Words A Day archive.

Podcast update

Well, I made it to 99 episodes. Today’s episode is a quick story about a time when I was a teacher.

I’m now working through the time-consuming task of pulling and editing clips together for the 100th episode which will be my “Best Of” episode. I’m not even halfway done with it. It’s definitely more fun making new episodes, but I wanted to have a capper to Season 1 and then take a break.

Now this could be one of those “here are all the things I learned doing a podcast” articles. Nope. This could be a “here’s what I’m doing next” article. Nope.

My podcast is non-traditional, and I started it for an audience of one: me. I’m tired of this idea of find the audience and only make content for some avatar. You know what? The avatar is me. I did it because I have fun doing it. If people listen, great. If they don’t, great. 

There is something freeing about creating content without any financial ties to it. No rush to make money. No rush to get likes or listens or shares or retweets. As long as I enjoy doing it and listening to my own episodes, that’s what matters.