200 Words A Day archive.


In Arizona, someone has finally turned off the oven. The daily highs over 100 have given way to highs in the 80s. Yes, this is why we live here.

I’m sitting outside on my patio with my laptop in fact in my lap. It’s cloudy today, but the sun peeks out now and then as it moves over my house allowing for some sunlight exposure without a direct hit.

I spend so much time sitting at a computer during the week that it is difficult to commit to sitting in front of a computer on the weekends. It would be a different computer in a different location (iMac in my bedroom vs PC in the office) and different tasks. Still, I am grateful to have a MacBook that I can take anywhere and work on the fly.

I saw some neighborhood children walking around barefoot. How do they do that so easily? They are out in the street or on gravel walking around like it’s nothing. If I did that, my feet would be on fire. 

I’m looking forward to spending more time outside in the cool weather. Perhaps the fresh air will give me some new inspiration.