200 Words A Day archive.

One week left

A week from today I will be posting my last post here. As I’ve said before, that doesn’t mean I’m gettin’ while the gettin’s good. I’m going to stick around to watch some people hit milestones and go down with the ship. I hope on 12/6/20 I’ll have a new writing home. If not, I guess I’ll break my streak.


If I don’t have a new home, I’ll be writing every day. I may not publish every day, but no one said them’s the rules. Publishing every day helped eliminate the fear of hitting that publish button, so the importance now is about sitting in a chair doing the work. 

I don’t have any particular topic planned for my last post. I want to write it as I am experiencing it.

I’ve been reading Seth Godin’s The Practice: Shipping Creative Work. It’s a goldmine for creative people. There’s one chapter I read recently that resonated with me.

Chapter 84: Bicycle Problems

I’m having trouble learning to ride a bike.

How long have you practiced?

About fifteen minutes.

It might take a lot longer than that. It might take months.

I want to learn to ride a bike, but I don’t want to fall, even once.

Not even once?

I need to be able to ride a bike blindfolded.

Have you ever seen anyone do that?

No, but that’s what my inner muse is telling me I’m supposed to do.


I want to win a bike race on a unicycle.

You can’t.

Don’t tell me that this person is the only one who can find a huge audience for this particular sort of bike-riding trick.

They might be.

But that’s my authentic bike-riding mission. To win prizes by defeating all comers on a unicycle.

There’s no promise that the world cares about your mission.