200 Words A Day archive.

November end

I wish had some earth-shattering notes to end November but no such luck after almost 11 hours at the grind. Randomness it is.

My Be Wellthy Holiday Gift Guide seems to be going over well with people. 

I am counting down the days until vacation–21 in fact. Then it’s a full two weeks off.

I had a team member miss our team meeting today due to a severe case of the runs. He’s the point-leader in the trivia contest, so this gave everyone a chance to catch him.

I did not buy anything on Cyber Monday. No FOMO present.

The dread of Monday was worse than the actual Monday.

I’m back on low-carb fuel to mitigate some indulgences over the holiday weekend. I need to get myself in order to make it less likely that I go off the rails while on vacation.

There is a lot of bad news out there about the coronavirus, but I will not live in fear. I will also do sensible things to protect myself and others when I’m out and about.

It’s amazing how productive you can be when you resolve not to turn the TV on (or open Tik Tok).