200 Words A Day archive.

No breakfast experiment

It’s a travel day, and I’m currently reporting on the front lines from the usual McDonalds. When I walked in, I was greeted by a sign inviting me to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Shamrock Shake. Since I do not have a vested interest, I politely declined. I remember the first time I had a Shamrock Shake, which coincided with David Copperfield “walking” through the Great Wall of China in a 1986 TV special. I can’t remember the last time I had one.

This week I am trying an experiment of time-restricted eating by not eating breakfast. I reached a plateau with my weight, and it’s time to shake (not Shamrock) things up. 

The experiment involves finishing dinner by 5:30 PM or no later than 6:00 PM and not consuming calories again until lunchtime at approximately 11:00 AM the next day. While I have not eaten breakfast this week, I have had my usual coffee with cream. Sticklers will say this isn’t a true fast since there are some calories in the coffee, but for my purpose, this is not a big deal.

I have not gotten ravenously hungry in the morning. In fact, I have been very focused and have had high energy the whole week. 

Tomorrow morning I will check the scale and see if this experiment moved the needle in the right direction. Regardless, I plan to continue this experiment when I’m back home. It’s going to be tough giving up Bulletproof coffee for a while, but between breakfast and dinner, I find it easier to skip breakfast. I did not consider skipping lunch. Although this would be a reduction in calories, it does not fit within the time-restriction methodology since breakfast and dinner are the bookends of the feeding window.