200 Words A Day archive.


It’s been six days since I took delivery of one of the greatest arcade games of all time–at least Arcade 1Up’s version of the game known as NBA Jam. In reality, it’s actually three games in one: NBA Jam, NBA Jam Tournament Edition, and NBA Hang Time.  

I’ve already played 51 games, which would have been $102 dollars had I been pumping quarters into the arcade game. I’m already at 25% of recouping my investment, but it’s not about the money. I usually play the computer because online play hasn’t quite smoothed out yet. I’ve had a couple of good games online, but they are few and far between. 

I am happy to say the magic is still there. This game is like a time machine that takes me all the way back to high school. I wish my friends were around to play with me. They all are pretending to have families or other obligations and not a one of them has bought the game yet. 

My fingers and wrists are certainly getting a workout, and the game is a welcome reprieve from stress at work and the general malaise brought on by the state of the world right now.