200 Words A Day archive.

Nails on a chalkboard

People like to use the phrase “nails on a chalkboard” to describe any noise or sound that is very unpleasant. I bet there are some people reading this who have never even seen or used a chalkboard much less heard the sound of nails on one. 

I don’t think nails on a chalkboard is one of the worst sounds. For one, a chalkboard calls forth the image of being in a classroom. I’ll admit it. I was a nerd and teacher’s pet in school and I excelled. So, the idea of an environment with a chalkboard falls within the realm of comfortable for me.

I can think of a sound that is much worse. This morning while working in my home office, I was subjected to one of the worst sounds coming from outside. One advantage of living in a community with a Home Owner’s Association (HOA) is that the quarterly maintenance fee includes lawn maintenance. The disadvantage is that the lawn care workers have an uncanny ability to do all their work on the weeks I am working from home and I have to listen to it.

Ever since I was a kid, I have had an aversion to the sounds of any lawn maintenance equipment. Lawn mowers, trimmers, leaf blowers, chainsaws, you name it. As soon as I hear it, my cortisol spikes and I am unnerved. One theory is that the sound is associated with physical labor, and let’s just say these hands were built for typing not trimming bushes. I also incurred various injuries while working outside when I was a kid including splinters, blisters, foreign objects in the eye, and allergic reactions.

I know many people who enjoy gardening and working outside. They derive a certain satisfaction from it. I am glad such people exist and want to be paid for this activity because lawn maintenance is definitely one of the items on my Not To Do List.