200 Words A Day archive.

My new greeting for people

Greetings have become automatic. The questions and the answers are really just filler. 

How are you?

How’s it going?

What’s up?

Most people have stock answers for these questions regardless of whether they are actually true. 

As an experiment for a day, I answered the question, “How are you?” with “Not good.” I was amazed by how many people didn’t even acknowledge that answer. A few people picked up on the “not” and asked follow up questions. Some people just assumed my answer was “good” without actually listening to what I said.

My point is that I am working toward taking meaningful actions. I have decided to use a new greeting with people. 

How did you sleep last night?

I like this question because it is different and uncommon. How often has someone greeted you by asking you how well you slept? This question solicits thinking and takes people out of the usual routine. 

I am shocked by the number of negative answers I have received. In general, people are not sleeping well by their own admission.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines short sleep as less than 7 hours in a 24-hour period. The latest statistics from 2014 paint a grim picture. Across all adults, 35% of people report short sleep duration. I will bet in the last six years things have only gotten worse.

I used to be one of those people. I did not value sleep and traveling across the country for work did not make things easier. Little did I know the toll the lack of sleep was taking on my health. A year ago, I finally got serious about sleep as I faced my own health challenges. 

It takes work, but small changes over time lead to results. Last night my sleep score was 91 (anything 85 and higher is considered a great night of sleep.) I had total sleep of 7h 51m, with 92% efficiency. That was in a hotel with a lumpy mattress, a noisy AC unit, junk light everywhere, and paper-thin walls.  

Consistent, good-quality sleep makes such a difference. I have more energy in the morning and all day. I don’t feel like taking naps in the afternoon. My focus and memory have improved. 

I want to help people achieve the same benefits. I believe in the power of sleep. That’s why I started this Facebook page to share what I’m learning. That’s why I’m writing a book about sleep. 

How did you sleep last night? If the answer isn’t a Tony the Tiger “GRRREAT,” then it’s time to change that. I’m here to help.

Maybe your diet is terrible. Maybe you don’t get enough exercise. Maybe you are completely stressed out. That’s all fixable. 

Start with sleep.