I’m taking things to the next level with improving my health and it’s about to get real. I am working with a clinic whose sole purpose is to help people reverse type 2 diabetes. The primary focus will be dietary changes.
As part of this process I wrote down my health goals for the next year. I picked one year because that is my commitment with the clinic, but if I can achieve any or all of these goals before one year is up then all the better.
I will lose weight to finally be at whatever the healthy weight is for me and have the knowledge and skills for how to maintain that weight.
I will be a fit person at my healthy weight. I don’t want to be a skinny un-fit person. I am not planning to enter any Ironman competitions, but I will have good muscle tone.
I will be off all prescription medication, which includes medication related to diabetes and blood pressure.
My lab results specific to diabetes will be in healthy ranges demonstrating that I have reversed type 2 diabetes. This means fasting glucose < 100, A1C < 5.7, and fasting insulin < 8. I will be able to show my lab results to a doctor who doesn’t know me and ask if this individual has diabetes and have the answer be no.
The rest of my lab results will also register in healthy ranges including cholesterol, all hormones, and markers for inflammation and cardiovascular health.
I can’t ignore my health anymore. The benefit of youth has been replaced by the risk of age.