200 Words A Day archive.

Medium posts

I have been publishing articles on Medium since May 5, 2017. I have published a total of seventeen articles, most of which were published prior to when I started writing on 200WAD. Publishing on Medium is a great way to test ideas and audience. It’s a decent focus group that will give you some feedback before you buy a domain name and put in all the time and resources into creating your own website.

Of all my Medium articles, there is one that is far and away the most popular. I published it in June of 2018, and it has over 53,000 reads and a read ratio of about 50%. I suppose that is chump change for professional writers, but for some dude just writing on the side I think it’s not too shabby. 

I have a parlor trick to tell people about this story. I tell them to open Google and type in “Selling books on Amazon.” My article is page 1 either the first or the second link after the paid ads. It sometimes also appears in that featured box at the top. Here is a link to the article in case you are curious: After 6 months of selling books on Amazon, this is how much I made.

I’m not bragging. In fact, this is the opposite of bragging. I have no earthly idea how this article ended up on page 1 of Google. Maybe there are some SEO experts who can respond and shed light on this mystery. 

By the way if you are bored and looking for some random content, feel free to view my Medium profile.