200 Words A Day archive.

Learning how to eat

My primary goal with Project Food as Fuel is food selection. I need to completely change my approach to the foods I eat. It’s not about what I’m in the mood for or whether I have a taste for something. Food is fuel and nutrition. That’s not an easy transition to make when you eat the way I used to eat for years and years.

One of my worst habits was waiting until I was already hungry to decide what to eat. Another one was finishing all the food on my plate because I still hear my mom’s voice in my head saying, “Don’t waste!” I also have a habit of eating fast. I catch myself putting more food in my mouth before I’ve even swallowed the last mouthful. 

Little did I know that in addition to learning which foods to eat, I also need to learn how to eat. By this, I mean the mechanics and behaviors around the activity of eating, itself. 

I don’t know when I learned how to eat or who taught me. I’m sure it was during an age that is now lost to my episodic memory banks. In the beginning, I’m sure it was my mother, and then over time, I learned by watching other members of my family. And really, what’s there to learn? Pick up a spoon or fork, get food, open mouth, chew a few times, swallow, repeat. Regardless of how it happened, I need to re-learn how to eat.

This is like someone telling me I need to learn how to walk or learn how to read. These activities are so automatic, so ingrained, that I wouldn’t even know where to begin. I am so glad I am taking this nutrition course because chapter after chapter I’m getting so much out of it. 

Here is the basic framework for behavior change:  

Go from Goals–>Skills–>Practice–>Actions.

Think of a pyramid where the goal is at the top. In order to reach that goal, I need the skills under the goal. In order to have those skills, I need practices that will build the skills. Finally, the actions are the small, specific tasks or behaviors that I need to repeat over time to become habits.

Here is one example:

Goal: Eat better consistently so I can achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

Skill: Regulate eating behaviors.

Practice: Eat slowly and mindfully.

Daily action: At each meal, put my utensils down between each bite, chew fully and swallow before taking the next mouthful.

I guess this is what they mean by the beginner’s mind. It doesn’t get much more beginner than re-learning how to eat.