200 Words A Day archive.

Last day of vacation

I’ve made it to the last day of my short vacation that started Thursday. I learned a lesson a long time ago: Never go back to work after vacation on a Monday. Most people dread Monday anyway, so coming back to work on Monday after taking time off just makes things worse. Not only is it everyone else’s Monday, but you’re faced with the PTO penalty and trying to catch up after being out of the office. If you come back to work on Tuesday, that will feel like your Monday but at least it’s everyone else’s Tuesday. Somehow that dynamic makes a difference.

It’s been good to have some time off and away from the homestead to recharge. I can’t say I’m looking forward to getting back to the grind, but I will be returning with a better frame of mind and renewed energy.

Today is the anniversary of my birth day, and per The Brandonian Doctrine, there shouldn’t be celebration or frivolity while we are in the midst of a global pandemic. I did celebrate with my girlfriend with a fancy steak dinner at my favorite restaurant. I am grateful for another year of life.