200 Words A Day archive.

June 2020: Points on the board

As June comes to a close and the first half of 2020 is in the books, I am disappointed in how the first half of the year has gone. I’m disappointed in myself, and I’m not going to use excuses such as the coronavirus or too much work. I supposedly christened 2020 as the year of “Points on the board,” and half the year has gone by and where are the points? 

Checking things off a list is not enough. 

Completing lessons in a course is not enough.

Listening to podcasts is not enough.

Reading books is not enough.

Monthly updates are not enough.

Writing every day is not enough.

Clearly my operating system needs an upgrade, and it’s not as easy as push a button and wait an hour. I will not allow the second half of 2020 to be just more of the same. 

For the July 4th holiday, I’m taking some time off work and spending time with those who are most important to me. I’m going to use this opportunity to recharge and reset. I don’t expect changes overnight but I do expect changes. July will be the start of something new. 

And there will be no more points on the board summaries.