200 Words A Day archive.

January 2020: Points on the board

I generally eschew summary posts, mainly because I like to be contrarian. There is value, however, in pausing to reflect what I’ve accomplished to contribute to my overall theme of 2020: Points on the board.

The biggest point on the board in January was creating my Facebook page Improve Your Sleep on January 11. The page has accumulated 104 followers (no they are not all my friends on Facebook.) I got some traction with some boosted ads, and I will continue refining the definition of my audience to target the right people. I also need to constantly work on content besides my usual words to keep things fresh and interesting.

The Facebook course has been great, but I am behind the “class march.” Each week there are “office hours” and live videos about the module for that week. This week was Module 3, and I haven’t even finished Module 2. I don’t think this course is aimed at people with full-time jobs who are starting from scratch. The page and group chatter is too much. These people LIVE on Facebook.

I completed Chapter 8 in my nutrition course. The chapters are getting quite dense now, and my progress has slowed as I am trying to understand the content rather than just blaze through it. The goal here is to complete all 20 chapters to become Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified to have as a credential and provide me with a bit of credibility in the health and wellness space since this has not been my career.

Not much progress on the book in January. This needs to change if I am to meet my goal of publishing it in 2020. On to February!