200 Words A Day archive.

January 1

Today is actually January 1st. I like saying, “Today is January 1st” when it’s not January 1st to remind myself that each day is a new day to start something. I’m intentionally not starting anything new today to buck the New Year’s resolution trend.

My theme for 2020 is Points on the Board. There is one action I need to hone into a master skill to make this happen.


For the main job that pays the bills, I have excellent focus. I’m not passionate about the work, but that doesn’t mean I bring anything less than my best effort. For some reason, though, I have not brought that level of focus to my pursuits outside the main job. Maybe it’s because I don’t want another “job” or something that feels like a job. 

I know how to fire up the laser of focus, I just need to aim it in the right place. I’ve spent enough time dabbling in different topics and areas of interest. It’s time to narrow down the list and go a mile deep. 

I have decided that the over-arching topic of interest is health. Within the health space, I am most focused on the topics of sleep and nutrition. 

Well, that wasn’t so hard. Now time to take action.

Time to focus.