200 Words A Day archive.

It gets worse before it gets better

What are some examples?

Writing - You get the ball rolling but then you hit a wall at some point. Call it writer’s block or no motivation. Once you push through that, it does get easier if you are consistent.

Diet - When you make significant changes to your diet, you are going to have some discomfort. You might have sugar withdrawals or some adjustments as your body gets adjusted. As long as you made the switch to proper fuel, it should get better provided there is no underlying medical issue.

Exercise - Ever suddenly decide to work out hard after a long period without heavy physical activity? How did it feel that night or the next day? What about just running up a flight of stairs and being out of breath with your heart beating like crazy? Over time the body will adapt but it gets worse before it gets better.

What about things that don’t follow this rule? What if it gets worse and worse and worse and never seems to get better? Maybe you’re just not cut out for whatever it is you are trying to do. Or maybe you are not doing it in a way that works for you. If it’s all pain and no gain, time to change your strategy or move on.